Saudi-Arabien: Kafka kunne ikke være mere stolt beretter takket være menneskerettighedsorganisationen International Christian Concern (ICC) historien om Dr. Mamdooh Fahmy, der nu på andet år er strandet i et bureaukratisk mareridt, der er Franz Kafka værdigt. Og alt sammen kun fordi han er kristen i et islamistisk diktatur:
ICC opfordrer folk, der vil slå et slag for denne mands frihed til at kontakte deres lokale saudi-arabiske ambassade. De opgiver adresser på de saudiske ambassader i USA, Canada og Storbritannien. Lad mig bidrage med kontaktinformation til ambassaden i Danmark:
Saudi Arabiens ambassade
Lille Strandvej 27, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark
Telefon: 39 62 12 00 (telefontid ma-fr 9-15)
Fax: 39 62 60 09
Harassments targeted at Fahmy began early on when his Muslim colleagues at the medical center in 2004 repeatedly pressured him to become a Muslim. After becoming tired of enduring the taunts, Fahmy told his co-workers that he was a Christian and would not change his religion. In response, the group accused him of being a missionary.
In Fahmy’s letter to ICC, the doctor details the maltreatment he underwent because he publicly acknowledged his Christian faith in Saudi Arabia:
“On April 12, 2005, I had a surprised visit from three Saudi officials at work. Two were in civilian attire and one was a police officer. They informed me that they were from the morals policing organization (Muttawa). They proceeded to insult me publicly before the staff and patients of the medical center. They confiscated my wallet, cell phone and keys. They handcuffed me, shacked (sic) my legs and dragged me to a waiting car, then proceeded to my residence.”
Fahmy then told how the police officer allowed two civilians to raid his house and confiscate all his written and published materials.
“I was then taken to the police station … where I was formally accused of being a Christian missionary and of consuming alcoholic beverages at work,” recalled the persecuted Christian doctor. “I was placed in solitary confinement for five days. After my confinement they began the interrogation process. Each time I was questioned, I was cursed and insulted. The interrogator referred to me as ‘Infidel.’”
After his release Fahmy was told that his passport was now in the custody of the police. The Saudi government has reportedly been leading Fahmy in circles, promising to let him leave the country but in the end blocking his path.
In the latest incident, he was told that all he needed to do to exit the country was file some departure applications after Egyptian officials raised his situation with the Saudi government. Fahmy filed the papers, but not only was the application rejected, but Saudi officials laughed in his face for attempting to leave, according to ICC.
ICC opfordrer folk, der vil slå et slag for denne mands frihed til at kontakte deres lokale saudi-arabiske ambassade. De opgiver adresser på de saudiske ambassader i USA, Canada og Storbritannien. Lad mig bidrage med kontaktinformation til ambassaden i Danmark:
Saudi Arabiens ambassade
Lille Strandvej 27, 2900 Hellerup, Danmark
Telefon: 39 62 12 00 (telefontid ma-fr 9-15)
Fax: 39 62 60 09
Etiketter: Saudiarabien
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